Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Golden Globes... Photo Style

Ry: Why so sad, Gyllenskaard?? You finally have a night without the baby! Time to live it up!

Jess: Well taken, however I believe I recognize the "This is my first night out without the baby and I'm trying to supress the urge to call my mom every 3 minutes to make sure Ramona is okay." look on her face.

Ry: Touchee.

Ry: "How'd I snag Leibgott even though I'm a no-talent limelight grubbing
whore? Your guess is as good as mine!"

Jess: Good one. I was going to go with: "I KNOW! I can't figure out for the life of me why people keep inviting me to events either!!"

Or"Am I preggo? With this ridiculously poufy and ornate dress, your guess is as good as mine!"

Cameron: "Okay, Leo, I'm kinda drunk and we were in that movie together, so will you pose with me so I can pretend I'm over JT? Pretty Please?? Kisses!!!"

Leo: "Uh, yeah, I guess so... but only one picture, ok? Seriously... could my night get any worse? First I lose in a catagory when I'm nominated twice and now I'm posing with some drunk girl who must have been an extra in one of my movies. Awesome. I broke up with Giselle for this??"

Ry: "My milkmaid costume is brilliant, don't you think? What? You mean this isn't a fancy dress party? Oh bugger... Cheers, anyway, love"

Ry:We now convene the next meeting of the washed up actresses club... Let's listen in...
Teri: Washed up?? Washed up!? (screeching) Washed up!!!??? I'll have you know that Ryan Seacrest said that I put the desperate in Desparate Housewives! Wait, that's good, right? Oh crap... maybe if I cock my head to the side, no one will notice the botox...

Julia: I'm on that hit new or old show called the New or Old Adventures of... I mean, the Old and New Adventures.... I mean... I mean... Well, anyway, my name on the show is Christine. And it's on CBS.... It's a really popular show... Okay, who am I kidding. I'm Elaine. Elaine Benes. President of the Washed up Actresses Club. Nice to meet you.

Olson Twin #1: Well, hello, darling! Right after the party, I'm
auditoning for the touring company production of Sunset Boulevard! Don't you think I'd be the BEST Norma Desmond?"

Olson Twin #2: "Where are we again?"


Drew: "I know you're bummed about JT, but you really should think long and hard before you hook up with the waiter to try to make him jealous."

Cameron: "Dude...you are way smart...(drunkenly) you're my best friend. I love you so much..."

Jess: "Wassup, y'all. See how much skinnier than Jennifer Hudson I am, yo? Dreamgirls Barbie in the house"


Blogger Unknown said...

Strange...while the rest of the actresses in Hollywood are attempting to look 10 years younger, Olsen #1 appears to be going for OAP status. Either that or a part of a ghost in The Ring 3...

10:26 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice job ladies! You're just as good as those gossip bloggers!

11:34 AM


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