Monday, June 27, 2005

Jelly Beans, Fireworks & Trapeeze, Oh My...

Okay, tonight, K told me about the most random store on earth. It's called Jordan's and under one roof, they have the following: a liquid fireworks show, an indoor trapeeze school, a 3-D Imax theater, a jellybean store/factory, and... FURNITURE. She and C actually bought their couch & coffee table there... I wonder if it was made out of jellybeans and/or it requires 3D glasses.


Too bored to think of a catchy title today...

-- We rented "Life Aquatic..." with Bill Murray & Owen Wilson the other night, and I was seriously disappointed. I thought "Royal Tennebaums" was a great movie- totally unique, but yet still about a subject you can relate to- great cinemetography too. "Life Aquatic"... not so much. I don't usually fall asleep during movies, but after about an hour, I was out. You can save the $3 on this one, guys.

-- Went out to brunch yesterday and saw probably the rudest group of people I've seen in a long time. They apparently had a reservation for 12, and then decided that the waiters had to accomodate their request to add 2 additional people to the table, even though 12 is usually the limit of how many can sit at a table. The people just stood there staring at the waiters & bus-boys who were frantically scrambling around trying to make it work. After they got it all together, one of the customers was like, "Don't you have smaller chairs? We have 2 children coming." The waiter's like, "you mean like a booster seat or a high-chair?" The customer's like, "No, just smaller chairs. You DO have smaller chairs, don't you?" The waiter politely answered that all their chairs were the same size, and that there was nothing he could do about it. What did he want the guy to do? Go out and buy some new chairs?? Brunch was awesome though!(thanks for the gift card, C & K!)

-- Well, I knew it was too good to last forever. As of about a week ago, we no longer have free HBO. Apparently, Comcast switched services, so that in order to get HBO or other premium channels, you have to have digital cable. Bastards... and the re-runs of "Sex & the City" were just starting to get good. At least the new season of the Sopranos doesn't start for another 15 years. By then, I'll probably have digital cable.

-- For the record, I hate sports. Especially basketball.

-- Song of the day (new download): "Middle of Nowhere"- Hot Hot Heat


Thursday, June 23, 2005

It's not too much to ask for is it?

J beat me to the punch on her blog for this one, but last night we were checking out some of the crazy demands of musicians make in their "riders" on the Smoking Gun. Prince's include the request that "All items in the dressing room must be covered by clear plastic wrap until uncovered by main artist. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY." Pavarotti's says that "There must be no distinct smells anywhere near the Artist." Seriously? I also like people like Jennifer Lopez who specify what cannot be in the room: "NO TOMATO, APPLE, GRAPE JUICE." Like if there's a jug of apple juice, J-Lo can't just bypass it and go for the bottled water?

Anyhoo, here are some of my very own demands...

"Hospitality" Items:
  • Private hot tub and/or whirlpool must be made available to Artist at all times.
  • Oversized couch- absolutely no leather, and must have throw pillows. Pilows must be stuffed with down- no artificial fillers, please.
  • Computer with high-speed internet access. (No MAC).
  • 4 televisions: MUST have working remote controls and TiVo.
  • DVD player and assorted DVDs: NO movies with Steven Segal or Bette Midler, please.
  • 1 large Box of Money: MUST be American, unmarked bills in denominations no less than $50.00.
Required Beverages:
  • Bottled water- NO DASANI. The presence of Dasani water will cause the Artist to fly into a fit of rage, resulting in the injury/dismemberment/firing of venue employees.
  • Gatorade- acceptable flavors are "X-Factor": Strawberry & Fruit punch, Strawberry, Pink Lemonade, Tropical Punch, & Glacier Freeze. The Artist will not tolerate any flavors/colors that are ORANGE OR GREEN.
  • 1 case Clearly Canadian: various flavors. NO peach.
  • 1 case assorted pop: NO DIET, NO PEPSI PRODUCTS. Must include Cherry Coke, Vernors, Dr. Pepper and A&W Rootbeer- NO Barq's.
  • 12 pack of various Sam Adams Beer: Must include Cherry Wheat and Summer Ale, even in the winter.
  • Various assortment of Absolut Vodkas: MUST include vanilla and citron. Mini-bar/airplane bottles are appreciated since they are easily portable and also cute.
  • Orange Juice (NO PULP), Apple Juice, Grape Juice.
  • All beverages must be chilled but served with no ice in the drink itself. No variation.

Required Food Items:

  • Pop Tarts: Assorted varieties, MUST INCLUDE cherry (NO unfrosted, S'Mores or chocolate)
  • Large Box Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Crackers.
  • 2 large Bags Sun Chips- 1 original and 1 cheddar flavor.
  • 1 bag Tostitos Gold, served alongside medium salsa and homemade guacamole.
  • One large carton freshly popped Movie popcorn, light butter.
  • 1 Pint Ben and Jerry's Oatmeal Cookie Chunk. NO other flavors will be tolerated.
  • Fruit & Veggie Platter: Be creative! NO cantalope or honeydew. NO radishes or olives.
  • 1 large bag of Skittles: ONLY red, orange & yellow. Purple and green must be removed prior to Artist's arrival at the venue.
  • Assorted Gummi candies: NO gummis that look unappetizing such as rats or snakes.
  • 1 Pizza: Must be hot (use Heat Wave bag if necessary): NO ham, mushrooms or sausage.
  • The Artist will tolerate creativity when it comes to lunch and dinner options. Local and/or Ethnic cuisines are appreciated, however, must include "BIG" salad (NO RANCH DRESSING), pasta, and chicken options. All condiments/sauces must be served ON THE SIDE.


Monday, June 20, 2005

Someone's got a case of the Mondays...

So, I have no desire to do anything at work today, even though there is a pile of stuff on my desk. Work be damned!

-- We went to see "Batman Begins" this weekend and I thought it was pretty awesome. I always enjoy a good summer action movie, and I like that they used the Batman story, but didn't make it too "cartoony" which is my usual complaint about comic book movies. And, Christian Bale as Batman? Yes, please. Holy Hot British guy, Batman. Man, am I glad that I bumped Brad Pitt from my "list" after the whole Angelina thing... As J said on her blog, "the jury's back and they've reached a unanimous verdict. We find Christian Bale, the Batman in question, to be HOT HOT HOT."

-- In a "Batman" related note, we decided on Saturday that Morgan Freeman is probably one of the most likeable folks around. He's just cool in every movie he's in. Even those sort of crappy ones with Ashley Judd.

-- I almost think that Bennifer2 is more irritating than the original incarnation. Just tell people if you're engaged/married/having a baby already! It will shut them up, and I won't have to keep seeing pictures of the two of them leaving Starbucks in People Magazine alongside speculation on why Jennifer is holding a newspaper in front of her stomach. (Yes, I read People Magazine...)

-- Some idiot sent out a SPAM message to everyone on the state Bar Association list, which is like 3,000 some people. Rather than just deleting it, people are currently engaging in the whole, "TAKE ME OFF THIS LIST" thing, followed by the "IF YOU'RE ASKING TO GET OFF THE LIST, PLEASE DON'T RESPOND TO ALL" comment. The thing is, I understand the 2nd reply, and it makes sense. It's just that those people are also part of the problem. There is no list. Don't respond to all. Don't respond to anyone for that matter. Just delete the messages and move on.

-- Song of the Day: "On Love, In Sadness"- Jason Mraz.


Friday, June 17, 2005

Workout Playlist

Hey all- I was on iTunes the other day, and they were listing some celebrities and some of their iTunes playlists. So, rather than a song of the day, I figured I would treat you to my latest work-out mix...

1. Lose Yourself- Eminiem. This is a great song to psych yourself up for something. We blasted it before the Bar exam, and I guess it worked... Gotta respect the 3-1-3.

2. Special- Garbage. Fun to sing along to... also a good song to blast when you decide "I am so over that guy."

3. Toxic- Britney. I know, I know. I would rather stick sharp needles in my eyes than watch her show, but, you gotta hand it to her. The girl can "sing" dance music.

4. Six Feet Under- No Doubt. How can you not love a song with the musical genius line: "Today's my birthday and I get one every year..." Plus, the drum beat rocks.

5. Hungry Like the Wolf- Duran Duran. Gotta throw some 80's music in there. My second favorite Duran Duran song (My fave is "Rio," if only for the memories of blasting it in Jen's old Blazer while skipping high school).

6. Minority- Green Day. Billie Joe's right. I don't need your authority. I wanna be the minority.

7. Somebody Told Me- The Killers. I've already professed my love for The Killers. I'll refrain from doing it again. But, for the record, this song kicks ass.

8. Sweet Child 'O Mine- GnR. Two words: Axl. Rose. Need I say more?

9. Since you Been Gone- Kelly Clarkson. Is she the only "American Idol" who actually has any staying-power ? Where's Ruben? Clay? That other girl?

10. Pretty in Pink- Psychedelic Furs. If it's good enough for Molly Ringwald, it's good enough for me.

11. Separate Ways- Journey. If you say you don't like Journey, you're a damn liar.

12. Brown Eyed Girl- Everclear. Of course, being one of the "Songs that Make the White Girls Go Crazy," I love the original, but this is a pretty good re-make. It sounds pretty similar to all other Everclear songs (which Everclear songs don't?) but as J and I decided, I like their "one" song, so it works.

Happy Treadmilling...

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Isn't it Friday yet??

-- I think that the amount of money I spend at Target increases exponentially each minute I'm inside the store. If I'm just running in for toothpaste and contact solution, I can be in and out under $15. If we're walking around the whole store, I end up buying some shoes, a pair of earrings, nail polish, etc.

-- Getting a manicure for the wedding was really fun. Would it be terrible if I became one of those people who gets her nails done every week like my boss? (If not, does anyone want to donate to my "Ryan needs a manicure" fund?)

-- As I type, I'm currently watching a "web cast" of some continuing legal education course. I wish I could have done this in college or grad school. I never would have gotten out of my pajamas.

-- Fans of "Lost": check out It's a "fake" website for the airline that has all kinds of hidden features (which I just learned the other day from Sv are called "Easter Eggs") Way too cool. I can't wait until next season.

-- Since when did concert tickets become so expensive? Pavilion seats to see Coldplay were $66.00 plus an $8.00 "Conveneince Charge." ("Convenient? Really? For whom? You know what would be even more convenient than charging me $8.00? Maybe make the price of the ticket something I could afford!) Even the lawn seats were $36.00 and I am MUCH too old to sit on the lawn. On a related note, pick up or download Coldplay's new CD "X&Y." Good stuff. Very good stuff.

-- Song of the day (actually, song of every Thursday in honor of "The OC"): "California"- Phantom Planet.


Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. B!!!

Congratulations to our friends Kaylyn and Chad who were married over the weekend! What a great time!! Here are some of the highlights:

-- The weather. Couldn't have been better. It was about a zillion degrees, humid, and intermittedly rainy. It was so much fun wondering if we would faint and/or die from heat exhaustion during the ceremony and pictures. Oh wait, was I listing "highlights"? Forget this one...

-- The photographer's fake British accent. Everytime he went to take a picture, he said, "HELLLOOOO" in this Austin Powers-y voice. As Aaron said, "It's so stupid, but I laugh everytime!" Also, when the photographer taunted the other photog in the law quad that our bride could kick his bride's ass. It was all very "West Side Story."

-- Going to Coach Carr's Car Wash and getting our picture taken with him. Special thanks to Coach Loeffler, Coach Jackson & Sam Sword who took good care of us and made sure we got our picture. Also, on a related note, it was pretty funny to hear Mike Hart say that they couldn't wash my car because it "needed new rims" and also to see a picture of Big Gabe Watson washing my car on

-- Shaking it like a polariod picture.

-- Making sure that Chad didn't smash cake in Kaylyn's face by telling him if he did, as her attorney, I could slap his ass with an assault law suit so fast his head would spin. :)

-- "PE-ONY"

-- The video that Sven took on his awesome new digital camera of Kay & Chad's first dance. Probably one of the cutest things I've ever seen. If it doesn't make you get a little teary, then you must be a robot.

-- Four words: Open. Bar. Vodka. Cranberry.

-- Dancing to Outkast's "I Like the Way You Move" with Kaylyn's dad. Although, I'd have to say it was only a close second to Crunchy & Jessica's "butt dance." Priceless.

-- Song of the day (for K & C): "Tupelo Honey"- Van Morrison

For those of you who haven't seen them, email me and I can send you the link to pictures.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Rage of the Day

Why is it that EVERYONE finds it necessary to tell me how I shouldn't be renting anymore and I should be buying a place??!! People I barely know (and some that I do know) are constantly saying, "You're throwing money away. You need to buy a condo." In the last couple of days FOUR people have said something similar to me!!

Okay, first of all, I understand that paying rent is viewed by some as "throwing money away." I am knowledgeable about how mortgages, buying houses, and building equity works. I know that I am not building any equity up by paying rent. I know that I would be better off, in the long run, buying instead of renting. However, I'm not exactly to the point in my life where I can just plan for the "long term" rather than living now, based on what I can do and afford now.

However, what these people fail to realize is the following:
1. I have debt. Lots of it. Lots and lots of it, in fact. This means I spend a considerable amount of my monthly income PAYING that debt. Let's put it this way, if my student loan balance was was savings instead of debt, I could buy a very nice house in cash. A very very nice house. In cash.

2. I do not have any money in the bank. I don't have any investment accounts, save my retirement account which has all of about $200 in it, given that I've only had it for a few months. If someone asked me how much money I had in my savings account, I would laugh. I do not have a savings account and haven't had once since I graduated high school.

3. I have decided that I want to live in a certain area, and that area is wildly expensive. It costs a lot to live here, and I don't want to move 45 minutes away just because I can afford a mortgage payment out there.

4. Contrary to popular belief, I don't really want to buy a condo. I'm not dogging anyone who does, I just don't want to have to spend a significant amount of money on a place where I share walls and celings with other people. I would prefer a house, and houses are generally more expensive than condos.

5. I like my apartment!

6. It's none of their damn business what I do with my money! No one tells me, "You know, you'd really be better off buying your clothes at Goodwill than at the Gap. You're throwing money away by buying clothes at the Gap." Why do people think it's okay to question how you spend your money when it comes to certain areas? I feel like telling them, "You know what, you're right. Although, I'm going to need several extra hundred dollars a month to do that. Can you help me out there?"


Wednesday, June 01, 2005


-- Apparently the cast of "The Breakfast Club" (sans Emilio Estevez) is making an appearance at the MTV Movie Awards. Do you think the audience will even know who they are?! (They'll probably be thinking, "hey those are those people from that movie that's always on TBS...") Man, we are old. No two ways about it, guys.

-- We watched "Shattered Glass" the other night and I have to say for the record that Hayden Christensen is actually a pretty good actor. Not a bad movie either. As Sv said though, you spend most of the movie with a knot in your stomach waiting for the other shoe to drop (if you know what the movie's about, you'll know what I'm talking about). In any case, it's worth TiVoing or renting.

-- If I were still in high school, this defintely would have been one of those "Skip 5th and 6th hour to get DQ, watch GH and sit by Jen's pool" kinds of days.

-- "Westminster Crabby": I guess that the Westminster Abbey is refusing to let Tom Hanks and Co. film the Da Vinci Code there. The quote from the people at the Abbey: "Although a real page turner, The Da Vinci Code is theologically unsound and we cannot commend or endorse the contentious and wayward religious and historic suggestions made in the book." If I were them I would have said: "Although a real page turner, making a movie version of The Da Vinci Code with Tom Hanks in the starring role is ridiculously unsound and we cannot commend or endorse the actions of the wayward casting director."

-- I agree with everyone who had some complaints about the "Lost" season finale. Don't get me wrong, it was awesome... I just wish we had a little more information to get us through the summer, you know? What's going to happen to the people on the raft? Is Locke good or bad? Is someone going to try to go down the hatch?

-- In celeb news, Paris Hilton announced she's engaged to her boyfriend of 6 months, "Greek Shipping Heir" Paris Latsis. Raise your hand if you think she only accepted his proposal because she thought having a husband with the same name as she does is "hot." My guess is that the proposal went something like this: Paris #1: "Paris, will you marry me?" Paris #2: "Umm... a husband named Paris? That's hot. Okay."

--Song of the Day: "Caring is Creepy"- The Shins
