Someone's got a case of the Mondays...
So, I have no desire to do anything at work today, even though there is a pile of stuff on my desk. Work be damned!
-- We went to see "Batman Begins" this weekend and I thought it was pretty awesome. I always enjoy a good summer action movie, and I like that they used the Batman story, but didn't make it too "cartoony" which is my usual complaint about comic book movies. And, Christian Bale as Batman? Yes, please. Holy Hot British guy, Batman. Man, am I glad that I bumped Brad Pitt from my "list" after the whole Angelina thing... As J said on her blog, "the jury's back and they've reached a unanimous verdict. We find Christian Bale, the Batman in question, to be HOT HOT HOT."
-- In a "Batman" related note, we decided on Saturday that Morgan Freeman is probably one of the most likeable folks around. He's just cool in every movie he's in. Even those sort of crappy ones with Ashley Judd.
-- I almost think that Bennifer2 is more irritating than the original incarnation. Just tell people if you're engaged/married/having a baby already! It will shut them up, and I won't have to keep seeing pictures of the two of them leaving Starbucks in People Magazine alongside speculation on why Jennifer is holding a newspaper in front of her stomach. (Yes, I read People Magazine...)
-- Some idiot sent out a SPAM message to everyone on the state Bar Association list, which is like 3,000 some people. Rather than just deleting it, people are currently engaging in the whole, "TAKE ME OFF THIS LIST" thing, followed by the "IF YOU'RE ASKING TO GET OFF THE LIST, PLEASE DON'T RESPOND TO ALL" comment. The thing is, I understand the 2nd reply, and it makes sense. It's just that those people are also part of the problem. There is no list. Don't respond to all. Don't respond to anyone for that matter. Just delete the messages and move on.
-- Song of the Day: "On Love, In Sadness"- Jason Mraz.
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