Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. B!!!

Congratulations to our friends Kaylyn and Chad who were married over the weekend! What a great time!! Here are some of the highlights:

-- The weather. Couldn't have been better. It was about a zillion degrees, humid, and intermittedly rainy. It was so much fun wondering if we would faint and/or die from heat exhaustion during the ceremony and pictures. Oh wait, was I listing "highlights"? Forget this one...

-- The photographer's fake British accent. Everytime he went to take a picture, he said, "HELLLOOOO" in this Austin Powers-y voice. As Aaron said, "It's so stupid, but I laugh everytime!" Also, when the photographer taunted the other photog in the law quad that our bride could kick his bride's ass. It was all very "West Side Story."

-- Going to Coach Carr's Car Wash and getting our picture taken with him. Special thanks to Coach Loeffler, Coach Jackson & Sam Sword who took good care of us and made sure we got our picture. Also, on a related note, it was pretty funny to hear Mike Hart say that they couldn't wash my car because it "needed new rims" and also to see a picture of Big Gabe Watson washing my car on MGoBlue.com.

-- Shaking it like a polariod picture.

-- Making sure that Chad didn't smash cake in Kaylyn's face by telling him if he did, as her attorney, I could slap his ass with an assault law suit so fast his head would spin. :)

-- "PE-ONY"

-- The video that Sven took on his awesome new digital camera of Kay & Chad's first dance. Probably one of the cutest things I've ever seen. If it doesn't make you get a little teary, then you must be a robot.

-- Four words: Open. Bar. Vodka. Cranberry.

-- Dancing to Outkast's "I Like the Way You Move" with Kaylyn's dad. Although, I'd have to say it was only a close second to Crunchy & Jessica's "butt dance." Priceless.

-- Song of the day (for K & C): "Tupelo Honey"- Van Morrison

For those of you who haven't seen them, email me and I can send you the link to pictures.


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