Friday, June 17, 2005

Workout Playlist

Hey all- I was on iTunes the other day, and they were listing some celebrities and some of their iTunes playlists. So, rather than a song of the day, I figured I would treat you to my latest work-out mix...

1. Lose Yourself- Eminiem. This is a great song to psych yourself up for something. We blasted it before the Bar exam, and I guess it worked... Gotta respect the 3-1-3.

2. Special- Garbage. Fun to sing along to... also a good song to blast when you decide "I am so over that guy."

3. Toxic- Britney. I know, I know. I would rather stick sharp needles in my eyes than watch her show, but, you gotta hand it to her. The girl can "sing" dance music.

4. Six Feet Under- No Doubt. How can you not love a song with the musical genius line: "Today's my birthday and I get one every year..." Plus, the drum beat rocks.

5. Hungry Like the Wolf- Duran Duran. Gotta throw some 80's music in there. My second favorite Duran Duran song (My fave is "Rio," if only for the memories of blasting it in Jen's old Blazer while skipping high school).

6. Minority- Green Day. Billie Joe's right. I don't need your authority. I wanna be the minority.

7. Somebody Told Me- The Killers. I've already professed my love for The Killers. I'll refrain from doing it again. But, for the record, this song kicks ass.

8. Sweet Child 'O Mine- GnR. Two words: Axl. Rose. Need I say more?

9. Since you Been Gone- Kelly Clarkson. Is she the only "American Idol" who actually has any staying-power ? Where's Ruben? Clay? That other girl?

10. Pretty in Pink- Psychedelic Furs. If it's good enough for Molly Ringwald, it's good enough for me.

11. Separate Ways- Journey. If you say you don't like Journey, you're a damn liar.

12. Brown Eyed Girl- Everclear. Of course, being one of the "Songs that Make the White Girls Go Crazy," I love the original, but this is a pretty good re-make. It sounds pretty similar to all other Everclear songs (which Everclear songs don't?) but as J and I decided, I like their "one" song, so it works.

Happy Treadmilling...


Blogger Erik & Silvia said...

"Wastin' My Time" - Default
"Running Away" - Hoobastank
"The Reason" - Hoobastank
"Superman's Dead" - Our Lady Peace
"The Freshman" - Vervepipe
"My My" - 7 Mary 3
"Good" - Better Than Ezra
"Desperately Wanting" - Better Than Ezra
"Hey Jeolosy" - Gin Blossoms
"Ecstasy" - Rusted Root
"Hey Mama" - Black-Eyed Peas

1:27 PM

Blogger ry said...

Wow... Better than Ezra. I haven't listened to them in forever. I have to bust that CD out soon!

10:31 AM

Blogger Erik & Silvia said...

Yeah, I don't even have that CD anymore. I don't know what happened to it, but I think I either sold it to a record store or (more likely) lost it somewhere in my fraternity house back in college.

(Can you believe we're old enough now to say stuff like, "back in college?")

6:28 PM

Blogger ry said...

I think the scariest part is that it doesn't seem like icollege was that long ago, but when you think about it... it defintely was!

I did a quick search, and I think my BtE CD is long gone as well. Maybe I'll have to download some stuff from iTunes... If I do, I'll burn you a copy. :)

9:29 AM


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