-- Happy 2006, Guys! Apologies that I never did get to writing my Christmas letter. Maybe I'll to do it next year, so I can keep you guys in suspense. I know right now you're thinking: "But I NEED to know what hobbies has Ryan picked up in the last year! What will I do without the Christmas letter?" I guess you'll just have to hang in there. :) Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed the holidays. My Christmas was pretty good, save a family party fiasco (my aunt REQUIRING us to get into groups and sing the 12 Days of Christmas) and New Years was also fun (especially because of Oprah's recipe for Pom-tinis), even if we did lose to the boys an unprecedented 3 times at Trivial Pursuit. Virtual High-Five to Sv for co-chefing the annual New Years fete with me.
Here are some thoughts for today...
-- Bringing Keith Olbermann back to the
Dan Patrick Show on ESPN was possibly one of the greatest things that's happened to me in a long time. Maybe it sounds pathetic, but listening to these guys every day really helps the day go faster, or at least between 1 and 4! :) Besides all the sports news, where else could you hear Will Ferrell tell Texas fans to "stay classy," and also get some hard-hitting commentary on "Dancing With the Stars"?
-- Congrats are in order for Up in Back and its GM, Beth for a well-deserved fantasy football season championship. Get ready for presentation of the squirrel trophy, guys! (Also, on another FFL note, kudos to T-Diddy for beating me in the consolation ladder...)
-- Award for
Rudest Sales Person Ever goes to the girl who checked me out at Victoria's Secret last weekend. After me saying NO to their Angels card about 6 times, I finally said something like, "I don't really get credit cards." She pointed to my wallet (which was open on the counter) and said, "Well it looks like you have plenty of credit cards already." Umm... looking in my wallet? What did she think I was going to say? (I can see it now: "Oh! You caught me... I do have a couple of credit cards. Gimme that Angels application...") Needless to say, I called and spoke to the manager to make sure that salesperson #028 doesn't pry into anyone else's financial business (although it would have been nice to get some sort of gift certificate out of the deal...).
-- Former Pittsburgh Steeler and ABC sideline reporter Lynn Swann has announced that he's
running for Governor of PA. I didn't realize that winning 4 Super Bowls qualified you to hold political office (but then again, if the Kindergarten Cop can be governor, anything's possible). Any bets on which Detroit athlete is going to run for office first?
-- No comments on college football... except to say that I hope there really is some shuffling/departures on our coaching staff in the off-season, although I'm not holding my breath.
-- Song of the Day:
Inside of Love- Nada Surf.
-- ry