Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Old Friends

So, I was thinking today... is there some sort of "friend" X-factor that stays strong with some people and that just disappears with others? I have friends who I barely see, yet when I talk to them, I'm immediately transported back to the times when we hung out all the time and our conversation is like nothing's changed. Then there are other friends that when I talk to or hear from them, it feels like there are a million miles between us, or at least a million years between who we were when we were friends and who we are now. It makes me really sad that some of these people really were there for me in important times, people who I thought would always be a part of my life, and now the best we can do with each other is small talk. I wonder if the friend X factor can ever be revived or if growing apart from people is just a part of life...

Okay, I just re-read that and it sounded a little deep... Sorry about that. Go Sox.



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