Monday, October 03, 2005

I have a fever... and the only prescription is MORE COWBELL....

-- After yesterday's games, More Cowbell actually has a slight edge over RvG's Superteam going into Monday Night Football. (up by 7 points with no remaining players). Please root against Steve Smith, RvG'sS only player tonight... It would be a great coup to defeat the undefeated, especially given that I have yet to win a game. It'd also be nice to have FFL bragging rights around the apartment once in a while.

-- I don't have to give my "Sports Girl" card back since I was at the mall during the Michigan/MSU game, do I? My mom called after the game to let us know what happened and then we went into our Embassy (ie. MDen) to discuss it with some other fans. Actually, I don't regret TiVo'ing the game and not watching it until I knew the outcome. Not even one bit. In fact, I think I saved myself a possible heart attack and also increased the length of my life considerably. This might be the new away game tradition... Also, for the record, I don't recant my earlier raging about our football team. Even though it's great to have a win, I don't think think that it solves the systemic problems with our team.

-- If anyone's reading this out in AZ, check out my good friend, Corey who is running for Tempe City Council. He's a great guy and (you heard it here first) will be President someday. I can't wait to be part of his Cabinet, or maybe even have him nominate me as a Supreme Court Justice. According to recent news stories, it looks like you don't need any judicial experience to be a SC Justice afterall...

-- I'm almost sure that the cold is back. Is it possible I have allergies instead? I've never had them before, but this is getting ridculous. A little help here?

-- This weekend at T-Diddy's, we had a chance to watch the new HBO show "Extras," brought to you by the comic geniuses behind BBC's "The Office," Ricky Gervais & Stephen Merchant. Not quite as great as "The Office" but still pretty enjoyable. I loved Steve as Ricky's useless agent and Kate Winslet was pretty funny as well. However, I'm still not convinced that I need to pony up for digital cable yet...

-- Fun Fact: My sister J can't tell the difference between Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro. Seriously. For a million dollars, she couldn't pick one of them out of a line-up. No matter how many times we have the "Robert DeNiro is the dad in 'Meet the Parents' and Al Pacino is the 'Woo-ahh' guy" conversation, she still doesn't get it. One of the funnier things I've seen was how confused she was while watching the movie "Heat" with both actors. She said she just fell asleep because she couldn't figure out what was going on.

-- Song of the day: St. Patrick's Day- John Mayer... for whatever reason, it reminds me of fall and of someone I used to know.



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