So. Freakin. Tired.
Okay, so I only got about 4 hours of sleep last night, which is about the least amount of sleep I've gotten in an extremely long time!! Currently, I'm about to either 1) Get loopy and start giggling for no apparent reason, 2) Fall asleep at my desk, or 3) Some combination of the two. Why was I up so early, you ask? My good friend P went into labor last night, so I (being a crazy person) volunteered to stay with their other 2 kids while she and her husband went to the hospital. No biggie, right? I get over to their house about 4:30 this moring, and after going over all of the schedule highlights and all of the "Sam's diapers are over here" and "Hannah gets hot lunch" info, it was about 5. They left for the hospital, and I was just about to lie down and go to sleep when Hannah came in the room and informed me that she "wasn't even a little tired" and asked if she could watch TV. Being that she's almost 11, I figured it was cool and just told her to come get me if she needed anything. I had just closed my eyes (it was about 5:15) and the dog started flipping out and barking, which in turn woke up Sam. If you've never heard a kid wake up screaming through a baby moniter, I don't recommend it. In fact, try to avoid it if possible. We got through the morning, and I got the kids off to school/daycare, but not without a little crying (Sam, not me), some PBS kids, numerous requests for candy and gum (denied), some clever lawyering to convince Hannah that 7:15 is not the appropriate time to be practing her piano recital piece, and driving a mini-van. (My rant on mini-vans is best saved for another time, but be assured that it's not my first choice of a mode of transportation... I felt like such a "mom").
Some other thoughts--
- Apparently, there's this new thing called "baby sign language" that parents teach kids before they can actually speak. I couldn't figure it out at first because while we were eating breakfast, Sam kept pointing to his palm. After a while, I'm like, "What is he doing?" and Hannah goes, "Oh, that means 'more'." Cool. A one year old baby is smarter than I am. Awesome.
- I put iTunes on random shuffle this AM when I got to work and guess what was the first song to pop up? "Who Needs Sleep" by Barenaked Ladies. Great. Now, iTunes is mocking me.
Going to try to get some work done now... I hope you are all more rested than I am. :)
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