Why is it when you can never go to bed when you know you have to get up early? Also, why is it that on the weekend when you can sleep in, you're awake at 6:30?
Am I the only person watching "The Surreal Life" on Vh1? I know it's pathetic, but it's sort of like a train-wreck... I just can't look away. In fact, I TiVo'd it. Maybe it's that I had a huge crush on New Kids on the Block's Jordan Knight in a former life, or maybe it's because there's a girl on there named Ryan , or maybe it's that the whole Brigitte Nielsen/Flava Flav thing is just compelling TV. (On that note, can you imagine how bizarre their kids would be? I'm picturing the combo would be little kids wearing huge clocks around their necks staring disapprovingly at Russian boxers training to beat Rocky, but I digress...)
Why is it when you're waiting for someone or something it's the only thing you can think about? You tell yourself it's not that big of a deal, and that there's nothing you can do about it one way or the other, so you have to just be cool about it, but somehow, your brain doesn't want to cooperate. Sometimes it'd be nice to be able to fast-forward your life, momentarily, just to know if you spent a million years (and a million dollars) in school only to fail the Bar exam...
How come sales people can't just leave you alone when you're browsing? Don't they realize that the way the shopping world should work is that they politely tell you who they are and offer assistance and when you decline, they should leave you the hell alone? I repeat, they should leave you the hell alone... My telling you that I don't need any help is not code for "Please come bother me five more times, and while you're at it, please keep introducing yourself like you've never seen me before in your life."
Was the guy I saw on "Oprah" last week for real when he said that if a guy really likes you, he'd call and if he doesn't, "He's just not that into you"? If so, can I please have back the approximately 13,592 hours I've spent trying to figure out boys' thought-processes? (And, while I'm somehow getting time back, can I have the 3 hours I spent at "Titanic" back too? Thanks).
Why do people get married on Football Saturdays? Why?
Do you think I'd get fired if I fell asleep at my desk? Or do you think I'd just get a little "mom" lecture from my boss about how home is the more appropriate place to sleep? Should I try it tomorrow?
That's all for now. My CD player battery just ran out, and without the "Garden State" soundtrack, I don't feel like writing anymore. Seriously, if you haven't heard it, you need to get out and buy this CD. You can thank me later. If you still haven't seen the movie yet, well, then go out and do that too. You won't be sorry.