Wednesday, June 28, 2006

All Hail Ikea & Leyland!

-- I have found my true love. Its name is IKEA. We spent about 2 1/2 hours there on Sunday and even though afterwards I felt like I had been roaming around Cedar Point, it was awesome. We didn't hit the food court, but I'm looking forward to trying some of their delicious offerings such as the ligonberry mousse the next time we head over.

-- I am getting dangerously close to fully endorsing the Tigers and their (KNOCK ON WOOD) great season so far. Stay tuned for a post after the All Star Break, but I can give you a hint that it will be very ProTigers and Pro-Jim Leyland. Restore the Roar!

-- This is really funny. You need to see it with the sound, so make sure your speakers are working.

Since T hasn't been to our house in a while, here's some celebrity stuff:
-- Star Jones will be leaving "The View" because after they failed to renew her contract, she "felt fired." Uh, Star, you were fired. That's what "not renewing your contract"means!! And, here I thought you were a lawyer! I guess that's one step toward the direction of me watching "The View." FYI: The remaining steps would be firing the remaining hostesses (is there a louder/more obnoxious bunch of people on TV?), changing the format (it's just not possible for 5 people to interview 1 person. Too much talking!), and adding a cute boy host. Not too much to ask for, is it??

-- If you want to lose your lunch, check out these photos of a preggo Britney in Harpar's Bazar Magazine. Not kidding on the vomiting, they're pretty bad. Speaking of Britney, I don't think there are words to describe her appearance on Dateline. Yes, we watched it. Even my mom watched it! As P-Diddy would say, "She was a hot mess!"

-- I think the funniest part of the World Cup is that the British media seems to spend more time covering the players' wives and girlfriends (ie. "WAGS") than it does the actual team. My favorite "story" over the last few days was this one entitled "Wags in Tan Panic."

- Back to work!

Song of the Day: All At Once- The Fray.