Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Did you know...

In Rhode Island, it is illegal to challenge someone to a duel or to accept a duel, even if that duel is never fought. It's true! (at least according to the lawyer joke/fact desk calendar that my mom gave me...)

Girl Scout cookies are $3.50 a box! I think they were in the $2 range when I was a brownie. (Rest assured that the price didn't stop me from getting some Taga-longs, aka peanut butter patties though...)

Mark McGuwire, Sammy Sosa, et. al. might have taken steriods?? Shocking! I wonder if one of them is going to get up on the stand and go, "You can't handle the truth!!" On a related note, I just wanted to tell my fantasy baseball peeps: "Griffey... Sosa... Nomar... A-Rod... McGuwire..."

You get so used to billing clients for your time that you find yourself wanting to bill people in other situations. Like, standing in line at Target- 0.1 hours: $20; Tearing up useless credit card bills so that no one else can apply for cards in your name (not that they would be approved anyway): 0.2 hours- $40; watching the Real World Marathon: 3.0 hours, $600. I wonder what people would do if I just started handing out bills. Hmmm....

"Change Your Mind" by The Killers is an amazing song. Turn it up. You won't be sorry. The added bonus is when your boss comes in your office and hears you blasting it, she'll look really confused and maybe even a little frightened. Trust me.


Thursday, March 03, 2005


** Why is it that no matter what I'm doing, no matter what time of day it is, if "Rocky IV" comes on, I have to stop everything and watch it? It really is one of the greatest movie masterpieces of our time. My favorite line? When Rocky Jr. and pals are watching the fight and he says, "That's my dad" and the friend says, "What do you think we are? Nerds?" in this ultra-robotic tone. Priceless.

** It doesn't count if you give yourself a nick-name does it? When Wendy on Project Runway was like, "My nickname is 'The Longshot'," I started seriously wondering who gave her that name or if she just thought it sounded good. I, for the record thought that even if the nickname was stupid, those hats and t-shirts she had with her name and picture on them were beyond pathetic. Don't be that guy who wears the t-shirt with your picture on it.

** How long is it going to take before people realize that the Pope isn't actually alive- they're just playing the Vatican's version of "Weekend at Bernies"?

** "If I can change... and you can change... we all can change..."

** Chris Rock hosting the Oscars was much more enjoyable than the usual middle-aged loser they get to do it (Whoopi, etc.). I actually laughed. Out loud. More than once.

** My assistant smells. Can I ask her to take a shower without sounding like an jerk?

** Are the execs at Fox trying to ruin my week even more by playing a re-run of the OC tonight?

** ITunes is fantastic and addictive. New downloads that I'm currently enjoying: Keane, Cary Brothers, Joshua Radin & The Killers.

** My Oscar Dress Review... Hits: Gwyneth, Oprah, Kate, Cate. Misses: Natalie (Please don't tell me that Nat isn't better than that J-Lo knock off she was wearing), Charlize (feathers are not a good look on anyone), Hilary (don't get me started. TERRIBLE). Renee (is she a ghost? Seriously- I want to know!).

** Brakes have shoes. Who knew? They're expensive too. Must be Jimmy Choo or Manolos...
