Thursday, December 30, 2004

New Year's Resolutions

I don't usually make them, but here are a few for 2005...

1. Sleep more. Stay awake less.

2. Stick more closely to the Fripp Island Diet we created while on vacation there this spring: junk food, fried food, shrimp, alchohol and beers. Much more fun than the South Beach Diet and you're still getting protein!

3. Watch more TV. Especially sports. Find a way to put a covert TV in my office because watching TV from the time I get home til the time I go to bed just isn't enough.

4. Figure out a way to make emailing my friends count towards billable time. Maybe it could be "client development"?? Yeah, that sounds good...

5. Always play Dope Wars on my Palm during meetings. You never know when you'll be in a situation where you find drugs on dead dudes in the subway, you have to out-run the cops, or you need to evade the loan shark's thugs who are out to break your legs. And, hey... Practice makes perfect.

6. Win any and all NCAA Tournament Pools I'm in. This has to be the year. I feel it.

In any case, hope you all enjoy New Years and may all your 2005 dreams come true.


Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Math is for Boys!!

In case my boss is reading---

I am not a C.P.A. The letters after my name include M.A. and J.D., but not C.P.A.

I do not like using calculators. Especially the kind with that prints out on the tape. Seeing the numbers there in front of me does not help me. It makes me more confused. And it makes me want to throw my calculator, tape and all out the window.

I am not good at math. In fact, the last time I took math, I got a D. Really.

I do not balance my own checkbook, so why are you making me balance the accounts of some lady who has been dead for a year and a half?

Can I just write myself a check for $575.10 out of the estate's account? That way, I'll be partially compensated for my frustration, and the account will balance. Please??

I agree with that talking Barbie. Math is hard.


Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Thinking Randomly...

As of last week, I actually have a client. Seriously. Fortunately, she asked me "How long have you been working here" and I could truthfully answer her "About a year and a half." If she would have asked me "How long have you been a lawyer?" I would have had to tell her "About a week and a half" and I'm not sure that sounds quite as impressive. :)

How long until Notre Dame fans realize that everyone else in the country hates them? I mean, honestly, I know that people say that Michigan fans are arrogant, but I don't think the majority of them would assume that any coach in the country would want to take the Michigan job, no questions asked. (I, on the other hand, would take the coaching job, although I'd probably hold out a little while, just to make "Dollar" Bill Martin sweat it out...) Last night, Sven told me that the people who have turned down the ND job include Hayden Fox, from the famed 80's tv show, "Coach". Ha Ha Ha. :)

Perhaps the most profound theory that my friends have come up with is that Leonardo DiCaprio is the male Paris Hilton. You can't turn on the TV or look in a magazine without seeing them, but when you try to figure out why, you just can't. Looks? Nope. Charisma? Nope. Talent? Defintely nope. Rich? Now, maybe we're gettin somewhere...

On the way to my friend's wedding reception on Saturday, I stopped at Target to buy a card which was my best option at the time, even though I was already running about 10 minutes late. I was pleasantly surprised that they had an Express lane open, and that there was no line. I ran over, patting myself on the back that my trip had taken less than the 39 minutes I'd estimated when it happened. The kid working the register actually asked me, "Would you like to apply for a Target credit card and save 10% off of this purchase?" I looked at him in shock and said, "I'm buying a 99 cent card, what do you think?" He paused a few seconds and said, "Well, do you want to do the credit card or not?" In shock, I stammered that I thought I could afford the 10% so maybe I'd do it another time. Hello?!

Wouldn't it be great if people came with Certificates of Authenticity like autographed baseballs, sort of like a built in BS detector? That way, you'd know when people said things like, "I don't think that skirt looks too tight" or "No, really, I don't mind if you watch the Bachelor" or "I'll never be apathetic about you" you'd know if they were telling the truth. It'd probably save people like me a lot of time and effort anyway.

Julia Roberts named her babies Phinneas & Hazel. Phinneas & Hazel? Are you kidding me? I guess if you're the kid of a celebrity and you end up with names like that, you're probably not too pissed... after all, you could have been named Apple.

Do you think the song "Frosty the Snowman" will ever stop playing on a continuous loop in my brain? At least it's probably in your head now too...


Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Promises, promises...

So, my sister is always making these ridiculous promises, and I just wanted to state for the record that one has finally come back to bite her in the ass. A couple of years ago, in the UM/osu game, John Navarre was giving one of his patented less than mediocre performances... the kind that earned him the nickname "Box of Rocks" around here. And then... it happened. Jess actually uttered the words, "If John Navarre ever starts a game in the NFL, I will eat my shoe."

We all laughed. Preposterous? Indeed. Was Jess safe from having to deliver on said bet? Guaranteed. Think of the chain of events that would have to transpire! John Navarre getting drafted? NO way. And, if even by some outside miracle he made it onto an NFL team, he'd have to actually play "well" enough not to get cut in the pre-season, and then actually work his way up the depth chart. It couldn't possibly happen. Or could it??

Well, friends, the day has arrived. This Sunday, John Navarre is starting for the Cardinals against the Lions. He's somehow battled his way past football legends such as Josh McCown and Shaun King. I don't know how he did it, but he is to be congratulated.

Get ready, Jess. The only thing on Sunday's menu is your shoe. And we're all taking pictures.
