Back by popular demand... It's award season again which means another round of "caption that celebrity photo" by Jess and Ry.

Ali: Hey, Hayden- get over here! You win the bet! Apparently the hairstyle wasn't a joke. (Ry)

"I'm the Piv...I can do ridiculous things like kneel and balance my Emmy on my knee and you're going to love it. You bastards love everything I do..." (Jess)
My first thought was "Who's this guy kidding?" But then, I realized-- He's The Piv. He can do whatever he wants. Well played, Jeremy. Carry on. (Ry)
I love how being The Piv is a license to be a douche. (Jess)

Moments after this photo was taken, the photographer was found dead. His head was sliced open and his brain was missing. Go figure. (Ry)

John: Yes, yes, I'm a handsome movie star...but does anyone know the Red Sox score? (Jess)

Jane: "What? Oh, hello, there, darling photogs. You've just caught me mid laugh. Aren't I so kicky and fun? Don't I look like I'm having the time of my life? It's the most natural thing in the world, not a pose I've been practicing in the mirror since my Second City days." (Jess)

Milo (in his head): The meaner you look, the hotter you look... the meaner you look, the hotter you look...
Ry: In this case, you are correct, Milo.

"Should we tell Teri that we didn't turn that microphone on?" (Jess)
Teri: "So, like I was saying... I'm looking for someone who likes long walks on the beach, loves kids..." (Ryan)

Sandra: "OMG, I'm standing next to Dame Helen Mirren. I love you!"
Helen: "And who are you, darling?"
Sandra: "I'm on Grey's Anatomy, I'm Sandra Oh"
Helen: "Oh, Grey's Anatomy, right, that's that program on the tele with that slaggy bag of bones who never eats who's always moping around over that wanker doctor." (Jess)

Uncle June: "There she is, the apple of my eye. The Bella Meadow"
Jamie-Lynn: "Do you think he knows I'm not ACTUALLY his niece?" (Jess)

Johnny Sac: Who the fuck is trying to take our picture? He's fucking dead.
Paulie: Eh... Fuggeddabout it... Hey! There's Artie with the antipasti.
Bobby: Is Tony smiling? I hope Tony's smiling. Please say Tony's smiling.
Tony: Can I go talk to Dr. Melfi now?